
Explainer video

Let’s partner together to create “out-of-the-box” animated explainer videos that convey an idea, educate or BUZZ your brand and values. We want to help you succeed.

Every type of video you need for your marketing strategy Elevate your brand with fully customized animated videos

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What You Need to Know About Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are short animated videos which describe the idea of a product. They are mostly used by companies to introduce a new and unique product along with its benefits over the existing alternatives.
It’s often the problem that an explainer video strays away from its original purpose: to explain a product to viewers within a short time period. Most explainer videos are 45-90 seconds long. Any time shorter than 45 seconds is a tight gap to get your point across, and more than 90 seconds can bore your viewers.
Explainer videos are a combination product of several elements that complement each other. Let’s go to the components of an explainer video:
• Script
• Storyboard
• Voiceover
• Sound effects & background music
• Animation

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Let’s discuss
According to Google,
of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.
According to Ambient Insight,
of organizations believe that e-learning helps them in increasing their competitive edge.
According to Forbes,
eLearning retention rates can be anywhere from 25-60% higher than face-to-face retention rates
According to Hubspot,
of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI.